November 17, 2015
Obama's Right About Syrian Refugees
Source: The Huffington Post
Journalist: Taylor Dibbert
The recent terrorist attacks in Paris have heightened the debate about Syrian refugees coming to the U.S. Unfortunately, a lot of the current discussion is counterproductive. Much of the problem has to do with Republican governors (three of whom are currently running for president) saying that they won't accept Syrian refugees. To a certain extent, this misguided and politically expedient stance is unsurprising, although we should still expect more from our political leaders.
Congressional Republicans aren't helping either. If the more moderate, tolerant strand of the GOP is going to articulate a more sensible position on this issue, now would be an opportune time to do so.
In the U.S., we should be having a thoughtful conversation about how we can accept more Syrian refugees -- not less. Now is definitely not the time for America's political elites to abdicate U.S. global leadership. On this issue, U.S. President Barack Obama is getting things right. And the U.S. should not be turning people away on religious grounds. (What could be less American than that?)
Read the full article at The Huffington Post.