November 06, 2021

The debate over registering women for the draft is a waste of time: There is no draft

Source: Task and Purpose

Journalist: Jeff Schogol

Every time lawmakers debate whether women should be required to register for the draft, I just want to yell: There is NO draft!

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted the country’s first peacetime draft in September 1940, little more than a year before America entered World War II. The draft remained in place until July 1, 1973.


Mass conscription also runs counter to the all-volunteer military’s focus on recruiting high quality service members, said Katherine Kuzminski, a senior fellow and director of the Military, Veterans, and Society Program at the Center for a New American Security think tank in Washington, D.C.

While each of the military branches have yearly recruiting goals, they have all become far more selective about who they allow to join since the draft ended in 1973, Kuzminski said.

Meanwhile, both the Marine Corps and Army are trying to improve their talent management plans so they can assign people jobs that better match their strengths, she said.

Read the full story and more from Task and Purpose.


  • Katherine L. Kuzminski

    Deputy Director of Studies, Director, Military, Veterans, and Society Program

    Katherine L. Kuzminski (formerly Kidder) is the Deputy Director of Studies, and the Director of the Military, Veterans, and Society (MVS) Program at CNAS. Her research special...