Featured Reports

Drone Proliferation Dataset

Molly Campbell | September 10, 2024

AI and the Evolution of Biological National Security Risks

Bill Drexel, Caleb Withers | August 13, 2024

Over the Brink

Andrew Metrick, Philip Sheers, Stacie Pettyjohn | August 06, 2024


Drone Proliferation Dataset

The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) Drone Proliferation Dataset tracks global transfers of military-grade aerial drones, regardless of size and capability, between 1...

Technology & National Security

AI and the Evolution of Biological National Security Risks

New AI capabilities may reshape the risk landscape for biothreats in several ways. AI is enabling new capabilities that might, in theory, allow advanced actors to optimize bio...


Over the Brink

A new era of nuclear deterrence is taking shape in the Indo-Pacific theater. As the People’s Republic of China (PRC) dramatically expands and modernizes its nuclear arsenal, t...

Building the Future Capital Campaign

In a world awash with challenges, the demand for the Center’s work has never been greater than today. The new campaign will ensure that CNAS can fulfill its critical mission n...


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