Articles & Multimedia
Showing 1-5 of 5 Publications
What Comes Next for U.S. Policy Towards Russia?
Watch the full hearing on "What Comes Next for U.S. Policy Toward Russia", held by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.I. Introduction Chairman Menendez, Ranking Member Ris...
By Andrea Kendall-Taylor
Defending U.S. Allies and Interests Against Russian Aggression in Eastern Europe
We are in a critical period. Russia could invade Ukraine at any time with no additional warning. While the door to diplomacy is not closed and every effort must continue to be...
By Andrea Kendall-Taylor
China’s Expanding Influence in Europe and Eurasia
Submitted Written Testimony Chairman Keating, Ranking Member Kinzinger, distinguished members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to talk with you about China’s...
By Andrea Kendall-Taylor
An Emerging China-Russia Axis?: Implications for the United States in an Era of Strategic Competition
Prepared Statement Thank you to the Commissioners for the opportunity to testify today. The Commission has asked me to focus on assessing Russian and Chinese goals in the Midd...
By Andrea Kendall-Taylor
Autocracy’s Advance and Democracy’s Decline: National Security Implications of the Rise of Authoritarianism Around the World
Submitted Written Testimony Chairman Schiff, Ranking Member Nunes, distinguished members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to be here. I served for almost a dec...
By Andrea Kendall-Taylor