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Flag on the Bag?: Foreign Assistance and the Struggle Against Terrorism

Nov 18, 2009
2:00pm to 4:00pm ET

Room 2200 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC

Read Dr. Lord's testimony here.

Center for a New American Security’s Vice President and Director of Studies Kristin M. Lord testified on November 18, 2009 at a congressional hearing on the role of development and humanitarian assistance as a tool in the war on terror. The hearing has been called by Rep. Howard Berman, D-CA, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

At the hearing, Lord – along with other expert witnesses – discussed the role that marking and branding of the U.S. assistance plays in winning over the hearts and minds of local populations in our global response to terrorism and extremism. She will also discuss which countries benefit from our current policies, and what considerations need to be taken into account to ensure that U.S. efforts are appropriate and maximized. 


Dr. Kristin M. Lord
Vice President and Director of Studies, Center for a New American Security

Dr. Walid Phares
Director, Future of Terrorism Project, Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Samuel Worthington
President and Chief Executive Officer, InterAction

Kenneth Ballen, Esq.
President, Terror Free Tomorrow