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Robert Kaplan Discusses Trouble in the Other Middle East

Dec 9, 2008
12:00pm to 12:00pm ET

CNAS Conference Room
Washington, DC

On December 9th 2008, Senior Fellow Robert Kaplan discussed his most recent assignment in India. During his four week investigatory trip, Mr. Kaplan noted a growing cultural shift throughout India with an increasing number of citizens identifying foremost with international religions rather than coalescing around their Indian nationality. Kaplan argues globalization has given rise to Hindu nationalism, caustically showcased in the 2002 Gujarat violence where there was a series of communal riots between Hindus and Muslims. This shifting paradigm coupled with a weak government has led to an increase in electorate pressure for more aggressive, right wing policies. While Kaplan is optimistic India will remain a stable U.S. ally in south Asia, this hostile inter-communal dialogue between competing domestic cultures is a rising threat to India’s vibrantly pluralistic society.

To hear Robert Kaplan's remarks, please click here.

To read Robert Kaplan’s latest New York Times op-ed titled Trouble in the Other Middle East, please click here.