Bharat Bhisé

Member, CNAS Board of Advisors

Founder and CEO, Bravia Capital

Bharat Bhisé has been an executive, investor and a leader in the global transportation, leasing, and logistics industries. He has deep knowledge and understanding of supply chains and of aviation & marine financing, leading and managing US$40 billion in transportation finance businesses.

Mr. Bhisé established Bravia Capital (“Bravia”) in 2000. Initially, an advisory firm to Boeing Capital and Israel Aircraft Industries, Bravia quickly emerged as a leading provider of capital, first into China, and then after the global financial crisis in 2008, out of China. Mr. Bhisé served on six major multi billion operational boards as the primary non-management Director with executive authority.

Preceding Bravia, Mr. Bhisé worked as a COO/CEO/Director of several global transportation and finance companies in three continents.

Bharat and his wife, Swati Bhisé have spent decades working on and promoting gender equity and parity issues, providing support to women running for political office and economic sponsorship of women-owned businesses. Swati and Bharat also serve on the Leadership Councils of RFK Human Rights and The Asia Foundation.

Bharat has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Delhi University; an MBA in International Business and Corporate Finance from Willumstad School, Adelphi University; and an Advanced Professional Certificate from The Stern School, New York University in International Finance.

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