Nidal Betare

Nidal Betare holds a M.A. in political sociology and worked as a program coordinator in support of Iraqi refugees in Syria at the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) and Danish Red Cross (DRC). Betare also worked as a freelance reporter with NPR and as an interpreter to McClatchy in Lebanon, and he has written widely in Arabic journals, including al-Safir and al-Hayat, and for websites as well. His last report on Syrian-Palestinian refugees was published in the Journal of Palestine Studies. Betare also worked as a program coordinator for the Arab NGO Network for Development, focusing on building the capacity of Syrian civil society to defend human rights. He has addressed numerous gatherings about the plight of Syrian-Palestinians, including the annual World Bank meeting in 2013, at the U.N. headquarters in New York City, at different U.N. agencies in Tokyo, and a variety of universities around the United States.

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