Will Schlickenmaier

Next Generation National Security Fellow, 2011-2012

Director for Eastern and Strategic European Affairs, National Security Staff

Will Schlickenmaier is the Director for
Eastern and Strategic European Affairs at the National Security Staff, a
position he has held since August 2009. On the NSS, Mr. Schlickenmaier is
responsible for U.S. bilateral relations with Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine. He is also responsible for
the U.S. European defense policy, including nuclear forces and the NATO
Deterrence and Defense Posture Review, missile defenses including the European
Phased Adaptive Approach, force posture, defense planning, arms control, and
nonproliferation. He is also one of the
U.S. coordinators of the U.S.-U.K. Joint Strategy Board, a bilateral strategic
planning dialogue announced by President Obama and U.K. Prime Minister Cameron
during the President’s May 2011 State Visit to the United Kingdom.

Mr. Schlickenmaier is a 2001 graduate of
Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service and a 2003 graduate of Columbia’s School
of International and Public Affairs. He
is a doctoral candidate in government (International Relations) at Georgetown.