November 30, 2015

CNAS Announces Application Deadline Extension for Next Generation National Security Leaders Program

Washington, November 30 – The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) announced today that it is extending the application deadline for its Next Generation National Security Leaders Program. CNAS will now accept applications through Thursday, December 10. 

 CNAS will accept 20 Fellows who will participate in monthly dinner discussions on leadership and management in the national security field; engage in collaborative writing projects with CNAS experts; take part in small, invitation-only meetings with luminaries; and be part of a week-long, exclusive international study tour. The current class of Fellows has had small group dinners with leaders including General Stanley McChrystal, Admiral Mike Mullen, Secretary Madeline Albright, Josh Bolton, and Nate Fick. 

Applicants can apply here: National security leaders ages 27–35, with a minimum of four years’ experience in the national security field are eligible for the program. Please note that the age eligibility has changed from last year. Applicants must also commit to attending monthly dinner discussions with the other Next Generation Fellows. 

“We founded CNAS to provide bold ideas and to grow the next generation of national security leaders our nation will depend upon,” said CNAS Chief Executive Officer and Next Generation National Security Leaders Program Co-Chair Michèle Flournoy. “We are proud of the opportunity we have to provide leadership development and mentorship – and a deeper understanding of U.S. national security interests – to another talented group of rising leaders.” Robert Rangel, the Senior Vice President for Washington Operations at Lockheed Martin and Co-Chair of the Next Generation National Security Leaders Program, agreed with Flournoy. “The opportunities this coming class of Fellows will have are truly unparalleled in Washington,” he said. “From conversations with 

people at the center of U.S. national security decisionmaking to networking to international travel, CNAS will provide these fellows with tremendous opportunities that will allow them to contribute to U.S. national security for years to come.” For questions concerning the Fellowship, please contact [email protected].