April 02, 2024

New Biotech Matters Commentary: “Great Data Competition and Interoperability with Allies and Partners” 

Washington, April 2, 2024 — Today, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) released a new Biotech Matters commentary, “Great Data Competition and Interoperability with Allies and Partners,” by Dr. Michelle Holko, CNAS Technology and National Security Program adjunct senior fellow.

Dr. Holko’s new commentary highlights the critical role that data play in U.S.-China competition and underscores the importance of better leveraging data to drive U.S. biotech innovation, enhance sustainability, ensure privacy and security, and maintain America's leadership in the burgeoning bioeconomy.

The commentary explores various aspects of biotech data, including opportunities and challenges surrounding their collection, organization, and analysis. The author concludes with key insights for policymakers regarding the development of sustainable data infrastructure, the preservation of open data, the importance of data security and privacy, and the need for greater interoperability both at home and with allies and partners.

The piece is the latest article in Biotech Matters, a new six-part commentary series on emerging issues in biotechnology and national security, published by the CNAS Technology and National Security program. Prior commentaries published as part of Biotech Matters can be read here.

For more information or to schedule an interview with Dr. Holko, please contact Alexa Whaley at [email protected].

Technology & National Security

Biotech Matters: Great Data Competition and Interoperability with Allies and Partners

Understanding and strengthening America’s biotechnology leadership requires exploring the limits of existing data relevant to the U.S. bioeconomy so that policymakers and the ...

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