March 24, 2009
Attention, DC Residents
What a fantastically, hilariously bad idea this is. Imagine a family visiting from North Dakota and crossing the Key Bridge on the morning of 25 March. And straight ahead, kids, is the Lincoln Memohsweetmaryinheaven!!
The Metropolitan Council of Governments Office of Public Affairs has advised that there will be a simulated explosion on Wednesday, March 25 between 9:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. This is being done for the production of a movie being filmed in Washington. This event will take place on the D.C. side of the Potomac River near Key Bridge and will produce a 20 to 30 foot fireball that should last approximately two minutes.No action is necessary, but the potential for confusion and alarm from this event are real and increased vigilance is advised. The Department of Homeland Security and D.C. Police and Fire Departments have been notified, along with the Washington Airports Authority.
Please share this information with any staff who may be without access to e-mail, or any visitors coming from out of town.
Office of Security and Emergency Planning
UPDATE! This isn't as crazy as originally reported. Which kinda sucks, because we at 1301 Pennsylvania were going to walk down with the beer in the fridge and watch.