April 07, 2009

Budget Roundup ... and Ficked Again

I will be away from my computer most of the day, back in the wilds of Virginia hanging out with Dave Dilegge and trying to understand Marines.

In the meantime, here is a round-up of the best reporting on yesterday's blockbuster budget:

The Washington Post (One, Two)

The New York Times (One)

The Wall Street Journal (One, Two)

And finally, it's not enough that Nate Fick walks around the office better-looking and cooler than the rest of us. He also had to go and win the CNAS NCAA Tournament office pool. Your humble blogger was third out of 16. Honest to goodness, the only reason any of us put up with Nate is because he married well. Otherwise he would be insufferable. (Nate was introduced at a CNAS event with the following line -- and I am not making this up: "And this is Nate Fick ... who is better looking than the guy who played him on TV.") At least give us plebeians the office pool, Fick!