December 02, 2007


This time not in Iraq/Afghanistan/Lebanon/Pakistan/etc., but right here in the US of A! The college football BCS rankings are about to implode: both favorites lost tonight, with West Virginia falling to Pitt and Oklahoma curb stomping Mizzou. Now, Charlie is not much of a college football fan, and usually just roots for sheer chaos in the BCS standings. It looks like Christmas has come early! Just as she was checking final scores, Charlie had this exchange with her favorite sports partner-in-crime:

him: college football has turned into a total mess. And sadly now the national title game will likely be between two big tradtional powers even though no one deserves it. But the names of the teams in the championship will quell protests against the system. BOOOOOO

me: hahaah
you're such a revolutionary

him: I just want a playoff
something RATIONAL
you know
where the several best teams play

me: usually i root for total chaos in the polls
which it appears i'm going to get

him: right. . but sadly it is chaos that benefits the traditional powers. . it would have been better for long-term chaos, probably, if WVU and Missouri played each other in the title game

me: maybe
so who's gonna get it? osu?

him: OSU is in
and maybe LSU

me: they have 2 losses!
f*ck them

him: but EVERYONE else does
except KU
who has beaten zero top 25 teams

me: look
i just work here

him: OSU's schedule was just as bad

me: (our sked was designed for six wins. SIX)

him: but they have rep
it sucks. it isn't fair to Kansas

me: i mean, look, we've moved on to bball
you're going to have to like make an announcement at allen field house in january to remind us about the bowl game
but still

But don't take Charlie's word for it, Carl from ATHF is happy to share his thoughts on the subject. (Careful not to spit coffee all over your keyboard.)