October 18, 2007
Department of "Better Late than Never"
"The University of Chicago Press, publisher of scholarly works since 1891, just filled a rush order for a third 5,000-copy printing of 'Instructions for American Servicemen in Iraq During World War II.'"
Lt. Col. John Nagl, this blog's hero and virtual Doktorvater, wrote the preface to the new Chicago edition.
One of the pamphlet's more insightful bits of wisdom:
Of the schisms in Iraqi society, which have contributed to much of the violence since the U.S.-led invasion, the book advises, 'The Iraqis have some religious and tribal differences among themselves.'"
Which Herr Profesor Oberst Nagl described as "a stunning understatement."
(Charlie wonders if Bodleian Library has an Iran edition waiting to be reprinted.)