February 18, 2008

Is it Time for the Spring Offensive Already?

Two big bombings in two days in Kandahar province:

A suicide car bomber targeting a Canadian military convoy killed 35 civilians at a busy market in southern Afghanistan, a police official said.

At least 28 people were wounded in the attack in Spin Boldak, a town in Kandahar province near the border with Pakistan, said Abdul Razeq, the Spin Boldak border police chief. Three Canadian soldiers were lightly wounded, he said.

The attack comes one day after Afghanistan's deadliest bombing since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. More than 100 people were killed by a suicide bomber outside Kandahar city on Sunday.

The back-to-back bombings could indicate a change in tactics by militants. Though attacks occasionally have killed dozens, insurgents in Afghanistan have generally sought to avoid targeting civilians.

Anyone think the targeting of the Canadians is accidental? Yeah, me neither.

PS To the best of Charlie's knowledge US Marines have yet to deploy to the region. Maybe they'll give them a mission and an AO soon.