December 28, 2007
Weekend Reading from Military Review
As AM and Charlie both travel over the weekend, here are a few articles to keep you busy:
- Secretary Gates continues his push for "soft power." Can he be dual-hatted at both State and Defense? He might be the only member of this cabinet who ever believed State was useful.
- Sean McFate describes the unique nature of the new Africa Command (AFRICOM). If CENTCOM was designed to be "joint" from the bottom-up, AFRICOM is intended to be "interagency" in the same way. (Sean has extensive experience training and working with African armies; his take is worth listening to.)
- COL Michael Coss details the successes of CJTF-76 in Afghanistan in 2006. Charlie hasn't had a chance to read through this yet, but she'd love to hear from any readers with direct experience.
More to read here. And keep up the good work in the comments section on the Bhutto post. Great discussion going on there.