May 16, 2012

What We Are Reading: Climate Change, Rising Temperatures and Energy Use at U.S. Military Installations.

Apologies for the abbreviated post, but some of the CNAS team (myself included) are on a field trip this morning exploring a U.S. Coast Guard cutter. It is part of my personal effort to learn more about the Coast Guard broadly. After all, it is always good to see and tour the platforms you’re writing about, no?

But before we step off, I wanted to point out a good post yesterday from Francesco Femia and Caitlin Werrell of the Center for Climate and Security. Femia and Werrell review a memo recently released by CNA that explores the impact of climate change on military energy use. “The conclusion,” Femia and Werrell write, “Higher costs, and adaptations in building design as well as heating and cooling systems, are likely on the horizon.”

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