December 17, 2010

Andrew Exum Discusses Afghanistan on Washington Journal

7:45am - Andrew Exum, Former Army Ranger & Civilian Adviser discussed the findings of the Obama administration's review of Afghanistan war strategy. Mr. Exum recently returned from Afghanistan and related his visit. He is also a fellow at the Center for a New American Security.

8:30am - Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)  gave an update on the latest action in the Senate on tax cuts, federal spending bill, START treaty before Congress adjourns for its holiday recess.

8:50am - Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) continued the converstation on the work in the Senate on tax cuts, federal spending bill, START treaty.

9:15am - Gerald Hanweck, George Mason University's School of Management, Finance Professor described the current day impact of the 1978 Full Employment & Balanced Growth Act (otherwise known as the “Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act”.)  The Act gives explicit directions to the federal government to set goals for employment, growth in production, price stability and the balance of trade and budget.  While the Act required the federal government to look to the private sector to achieve its goals, it also authorized the Federal Reserve to establish policy to assist.

To watch the full interview, click here.

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