April 13, 2018

Making the Case for an ‘Artificial Intelligence Agency’

Artificial Intelligence is a new paradigm, not just in the civilian government, but on the battlefield as well. However, making sure the U.S. stays on the forefront of AI research requires a plan. One idea proposed by Robert Work, former Deputy Secretary of Defense, and senior counselor for defense at the Center for a New American Security, is to task a dedicated agency with developing AI doctrine.

“This is a national problem that we need to think about and move forward on. The Chinese recently published an AI strategy, that in essence says, ‘We are going to catch the United States in AI technologies by 2020, we’re going to surpass them by 2025, and we will lead the world in AI technologies in 2030,’” said Work, “I use the National AI Agency as an exemplar of how we responded to the space challenge… in my view, I’m not certain that an agency is necessary, but certainly I think a national response is necessary.”

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