Center for a New American Security
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Vivek Chilukuri
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Richard Fontaine
Geoffrey Gertz
Noah Greene
Carlton Haelig
Sam Howell
Kate Johnston
Andrea Kendall-Taylor
Emily Kilcrease
Katherine L. Kuzminski
Nicholas Lokker
Jonathan Lord
Gibbs McKinley
Carisa Nietsche
Stacie Pettyjohn
Ruby Scanlon
Paul Scharre
Philip Sheers
Jacob Stokes
Taren Sylvester
Adam H. Tong
Constanza M. Vidal Bustamante
Josh Wallin
Becca Wasser
Caleb Withers
Robert O. Work
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Manpreet Singh Anand
Brandon J. Archuleta
Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley, Jr. (Ret.)
Christian Beckner
Samuel Bendett
Paul Benfield
Rachel Brandenburg
Dr. Jonathan Brewer
Josh Campbell
Pablo Chavez
Richard Connolly
John Costello
Eitan Danon
Richard J. Danzig
Jason Dempsey
Yaya J. Fanusie
Ryan Fedasiuk
David Feith
Edward Fishman
Tim Fist
Greg Grant
Dr. Erik Lin-Greenberg
Michael Greenwald
Hamzeh Hadad
Hon. Robert F. Hale
Heli Hautala
Franz-Stefan Gady
Dr. Jeannette Gaudry Haynie
Jacob Helberg
Michelle Holko, PhD, PMP
John Hughes
Dr. Kyleanne Hunter
LTG Anthony R. "Tony" Ierardi, USA (Ret.)
Akira Igata
Elsa B. Kania
Robert D. Kaplan
Dr. Duyeon Kim
Christopher D. Kolenda
Margarita "Rita" Konaev
Steven Kosiak
Dr. Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.
Thomas Krueger
Peter L. Levin
Jennifer McArdle
Dr. Keegan McBride
Brendan McCord
Dr. ED McGrady
Trey Meeks
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J Travis Mosier
Dr. Go Myong-Hyun
Catherine A. Novelli
Dr. John Park
Dr. Lynne E. Parker
Ben Renda
Diem Salmon
Jordan Schneider
Peter Schroeder
Michael Sellitto
Vance Serchuk
Mark Seip
John (Jack) N.T. Shanahan
Tom Shugart
Daniel Silverberg
Alexander Sullivan
Tobias Switzer
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- Evolving the Mission–Iraq/Syria/ISIS
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- Constructing Regional Partnerships and Seizing Emerging Opportunities
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Energy, Economics & Security
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Michèle Flournoy
Richard Fontaine
Shawn Brimley
Julianne Smith
Ilan Goldenberg
Elizabeth Rosenberg
Mira Rapp-Hooper
Elbridge Colby
Nicholas Heras
Ellie Maruyama
Aaron Martin
Abraham M. Denmark
Adam Klein
Ahmed A. Humayun
Alexander Velez-Green
Alexander Sullivan
Alexander Wiker
Alice Hunt Friend
Amy Chang
Andrew Erickson
Andrew Herr
Andrew M. Exum
Andrew M. Saidel
Anne-Marie Slaughter
Anthony Vassalo
Antony J. Blinken
Ashton B. Carter
Avner Golov
Axel Hellman
Benjamin Cumbo
Bernard Rostker
Betsy Baker
Bob Taradash
Brian Burton
Bruce Jentleson
Carlyle Thayer
CDR Jeff Chism
CDR Jennifer S. Couture
Christine Parthemore
Christopher D. Kolenda
Clare Lockhart
Clay Beers
Colin H. Kahl
Crispin J. Burke
Dafna Rand
Daniel Burg
Daniel Katz
Daniel Kliman
Daniel Twining
David Asher
David Eunpyoung Jee
Dennis Ross
Douglas A. Beck
Dr. Daniel Drezner
David Gordon
Dr. David Titley
Dr. Jason Dempsey
Dr. John Lee
Dr. Sachiko Kuno
Dr. Sara Vakhshouri
Ely Ratner
Amb. Eric S. Edelman
Eric Lorber
Eric Sayers
Erik Brattberg
Erik Malmstrom
Ethan B. Kapstein
Eugene K. Chow
Frank G. Hoffman
G. P. Garrett
Gayle E. Smith
General H. Hugh Shelton
Gordon Miller
Hannah Suh
Harry Krejsa
Herbert Carmen
Hidemi Yuki
Irving Lachow
Isaiah Reed
Ivo Daalder
Jacob Stokes
Jake Cusack
James B. Steinberg
James C. OBrien
James Golby
James Holmes
James Kraska
James Miller
James N. Miller
Jaron Wharton
Jason D. Ellis
Jay Gulledge
Jim Crider
Jim Thomas
Joel Smith
John A. Nagl
Jonathan Brewer
Joshua Busby
Julia Solomon-Strauss
Kelley Sayler
Kristin M. Lord
Kurt Campbell
Kyle Dropp
Lael Brainard
Lauren Fish
Linda A. Sturgis
Lindsey Ford
Lloyd Hough
Loren DeJonge Schulman
Maki Fukami
Marc Lynch
Marc Sageman
Margaret C. Harrell
Matt Pottinger
Matthew Irvine
Melissa Dalton
Michael A. McFaul
Michael Auslin
Michael Horowitz
Michael Horowitz
Michael J Zubrow
Michael O’Hanlon
Michael T. Flynn
Michele L. Malvesti
Michelle Shevin-Coetzee
Mike McConnell
Monica Medina
Nancy Berglass
Nancy Brune
Nathaniel C. Fick
Nirav Patel
Nora Bensahel
Oliver Gould
Oriana Skylar Mastro
Parker Wright
Patrick M. Cronin
Paul D. Batchelor
Paul S. Giarra
Paul Scharre
Peter Feaver
Peter Harrell
Peter L. Levin
Peter Schwartz
Philipp Bleek
Prashanth Parameswaran
Rachel Kleinfeld
Raj Pattani
Richard Danzig
Richard L. Armitage
Richard N. Haass
Richard Weitz
Robert D. Kaplan
Robert H. Scales
Robert J. Butler
Robert Kadlec
Robert O. Work
Rui Kotani
Scott Modell
Shanthi Kalathil
Sharon E. Burke
Stephen Ondra
Stephen Tankel
Suzanne Maloney
Tammy Schultz
Terrance Leighton
Thomas Davis
Thomas E. Ricks
Thomas G. Mahnken
Timothy A. Walton
Toshi Yoshihara
Travis Sharp
Tyler Jost
Vali Nasr
Van Jackson
Victor Comras
Vikram J. Singh
Whitney M. Parker
Will Rogers
Yun Sun
Zachary Hosford
Zachary K. Goldman
Jerry Hendrix
Lt. Scott Cheney-Peters
David W. Barno
USA (Ret.)
USMC (Ret.)
Robert Killebrew
Major Fernando Lujan
LtCol Brian Bruggeman
Aaron Scheinberg
Monica Matthieu
William B. Caldwell
John R. Allen
Richard D. Fisher
Neil King
Andrew Metrick
Patrick Cronin
Lt Col James Price
LtCol Dave Mueller
CDR Gregory Tozzi
Adam Routh
Jacquelyn Schneider
Frank L. Albert
James N. Miller, Jr.
Simond de Galbert
James P. Rubin
Stephen J. Hadley
Dr. Robert Kagan
Robert Zoellick
David L. Goldwyn
Robert McNally
CDR Thomas Shugart, USN
Julia Macdonald
Steven Kosiak
Dr. Kathryn McNabb Cochran
Rebecca Friedman Lissner
Rush Doshi
Anthony Cho
Kelsey Hallahan
Rush Doshi
Rachel Rizzo
Adam Twardowski
Phillip Carter
Katherine Kidder
Andrew Swick
Amy Schafer
Ben FitzGerald
Alexandra Sander
Jacqueline Parziale
Richard A. Bitzinger
Vice Admiral Yoji Koda
Des Walton
Colonel Grant Newsham, USMC (Ret.)
Patrick McNulty
Dr. Christopher Yung
Commander Fredrick Vincenzo, USN
Sue E. Eckert
Robert F. Hale
Elisa Catalano Ewers
General Joseph L. Votel
Dr. John K. Hawley
LTC Christina Bembenek
Charles Hans
Jeffery Mouton
Edward Fishman
Amanda Spencer
Sean Liedman
Kate Bateman
Matt Olsen
Moira Fagan
Edoardo Saravalle
Madeline Christian
Robert Zimmerman
Ben Fishman
Kuni Miyake
LCDR Yusuke Saito, JMSDF
Burgess Laird
Jim Townsend
Dr. Andrew Krepinevich, Jr.
Hady Amr
Tom Keatinge
Sarah Lain
Tamara Cofman Wittes
Gregory C. Allen
Nicholas C. Prime
Neil Bhatiya
Kaleigh Thomas
Jeesue Lee
Julia M. Santucci
Tristan Campos
Laura Rosenberger
Divya P. Reddy
Elsa B. Kania
Bassam Barabandi
Nidal Betare
Rachel Ziemba
Edward Fishman
Susanna V. Blume
Jarrett Blanc
Ariel E. Levite
Karim Sadjadpour
Divya Reddy
Mark Newton
Emma Ashford
Mark R. Jacobson
Emma Moore
Molly Parrish
Juan Zarate
Hal Brands
Joseph Cirincione
Kara Frederick
Andrea N. Goldstein
Daleep Singh
Daniel Rosenthal
Asha Castleberry
Carrie Cordero
Richard Nephew
Abigail Grace
Ariane Tabatabai
Kristine Lee
Joshua Fitt
Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
James Fahy
Duyeon Kim
Kayla M. Williams
LtCol Colin Smith
Andrea Kendall-Taylor
John Costello
Eric Brewer
Ashley Feng
Sam Dorshimer
Claire Groden
David Shullman
Greg Grant
Chris Dougherty
Douglas McCormick
Ainikki Riikonen
Kevin Huggard
Natan Sachs
John J. Klein
Megan Lamberth
Carisa Nietsche
Jared Stefani
Margaret Seymour
Iskander Rehman
Howard Berman
Adam Szubin
Kimberly Ann Elliot
Theodore Kassinger
George Lopez
Stephen Rademaker
Frederick Reynolds
Paula J. Dobriansky
Zack Cooper
Jasen J. Castillo
Kate Kizer
Jeremy Shapiro
Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson
Dr. Gary M. Shiffman
Johnpatrick Imperiale
Dr. Angela Stent
Nicolas Rice
Kelly Kennedy
Erica Frantz
Joseph Wright
Martijn Rasser
Sarah Margon
Jessica Schwed
Chelsea Guo
Brent Peabody
Yaya J. Fanusie
Damon J. Phillips
Lorand Laskai
Katie Galgano
Arzan Tarapore
Darshana M. Baruah
Carole House
Nathalie Grogan
Monika Bochert
Jordan Tama
Zachary Jaynes
Ryan Neuhard
David Thaw
Abigail Eineman
Daphne McCurdy
Jennie Matuschak
Samuel Bendett
Elina Ribakova
Jill Inderstrodt
Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth
Rebecca Arcesati
Becca Wasser
Barrett Y. Bogue
Dr. Andrew Morse
Jeff Cirillo
Coby Goldberg
Paul Benfield
Dania Torres
Emily Jin
Francis Shin
Jeffrey Edmonds
Jason Bartlett
Joseph Rodgers
Maxwell Simon
Ripley Hunter
Jesse Spiro
Ellison Laskowski
Shin Oya
Elizabeth Howe
Danielle Lazarowitz
Michael Brown
Christian Beckner
Josh Campbell
Paul Stronski
Michael Koplow
Tom Shugart
Gibbs McKinley
Sydney Scarlata
Megan Ophel
Lisa Curtis
Dr. John Park
Elena LoRusso
Michael Kofman
Stacie Pettyjohn
Katherine L. Kuzminski
Henry Wu
Shira Efron
Hannah Dennis
Zachary Durkee
Emily Kilcrease
Nicholas Lokker
Lilly Blumenthal
Euihyun Bae
Annie Pforzheimer
Jon Tishman
CDR Andrew J. Adams
Col James Frey
Cody Kennedy
Maria Snegovaya
Alice Hickson
Ryan Johnson
Hannah Kelley
Lawson W. Brigham
Nicholas Danforth
Jon B. Wolfsthal
Chris Miller
Mason Wong
Heli Hautala
Celina Pouchet
Ryan Fedasiuk
Jonathan Schanzer
Alexandra Seymour
James Valentine
Richard Connolly
CNAS U.S.-Philippines Alliance Task Force
Arona Baigal
Jonathan Lord
Michael Frazer
Jocelyn Trainer
Cristobal Ramón
LCDR Stewart Latwin
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph I. Grimm
Hunter Streling
Jonas Nahm
Rebecca Pincus
Katarzyna Zysk
with contributions from Jim Danoy
Ellen Lord
Jan Mohammad Jahid
Noah Greene
Dr. David A. Markowitz
Dr. L. Val Giddings
Caleb Withers
Sam Howell
Bill Drexel
Taren Sylvester
Rebecca Wittner
Derek Grossman
Jia Li
Kristen Taylor
Carol Kuntz
Uliana Certan
Tim Fist
Josh Wallin
Molly Campbell
Peter Schroeder
Eric Ciaramella
Philip Sheers
Kimberly Marten
Vivek Chilukuri
Evan Wright
Erich Grunewald
Michelle Holko
Rowan Scarpino
Siemon Wezeman
Gavin Wilde
Benjamin Hilgenstock
Timothy Frye
Onni Aarne
Nathaniel Schochet
Kate Johnston
Nilanthi Samaranayake
Adam Tong
Geoffrey Gertz
Janet Egan
Constanza M. Vidal Bustamante
Eleanor Hume
Tod Lindberg
Tom Malinowski
Derek Mitchell
Nicole Bibbins Sedaca
Corban Teague
Carlton Haelig
Tao Burga
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