Part of Defense

Hard Choices in Defense

The U.S. Department of Defense faces difficult strategic choices. It needs sound, but rapid decision making processes to enable it to make good decisions quickly, and then to align its resources with its chosen strategy. The CNAS Defense Program helps policymakers make the right choices in resourcing and institutional reform through the following lines of effort:

The U.S. Department of Defense faces difficult strategic choices. It needs sound decision making processes to act with speed when aligning resources to strategy. The CNAS Defense Program helps policymakers make the right choices in resource expenditure, organizational transformation, and process reform through the following lines of effort:

Closing the Say-Do Gap

Implementing the defense strategy requires not only an appropriate level of resources but that sufficient funds are allocated to key strategic priorities, such as rebuilding munitions stores. In this line of effort, the CNAS Defense Program assesses the alignment between the president’s budget requests and the defense strategy and offers recommendations on how to bring the two into lockstep.

CNAS Defense Technology Task Force

In October 2023, the Defense Program launched the Defense Technology Task Force to bring together experts and practitioners from across the innovation ecosystem to include government, startups, new commercial entrants, legacy industry, and venture capital. The Task Force explores how organizations can better use existing authorities to innovate with the speed and scale required by today’s rapidly evolving threats.

A Changing Space

Space is becoming an increasingly important domain for competition and future warfare. In 2019, the United States created the newest service, the U.S. Space Force. This line of effort explores the organizational and strategic culture of the Space Force and considers its implications for joint warfare, inter-service relations, and the future of the service.

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