Recent Publications
How China and the U.S. Are Competing for Young Minds in Southeast Asia
By Kristine Lee
China's Artificial Islands Are Bigger (And a Bigger Deal) Than You Think
By CDR Thomas Shugart, USN
Beijing's Go Big or Go Home Moment in the South China Sea
By Jerry Hendrix
Parting the South China Sea
By Mira Rapp-Hooper
Rodrigo Duterte’s Turn in the South China Sea
By Harry Krejsa
Related Events
Cooperation from Strength: The United States, China and the South China Sea
Jan 1 – 10, 2012
Washington, DC
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Mattis Implementing the NDS in the South China Sea
Last week, Secretary Mattis traveled to Vietnam and Indonesia to show solidarity with them over their South China Sea claims. Jason sits down with Patrick Cronin, Senior Advis...
Prospect of Philippine Thaw Slows China’s Plans in South China Sea
In The New York Times, senior military fellow Thomas Shugart discusses the military threat of the Chinese artificial islands in the South China Sea....
Report: China Could Make a Big Move in the South China Sea Starting Next Month
In The National Interest, senior fellow Patrick Cronin discusses how Washington should respond to the growing conflict in the South China Sea. ...