Securing Our 5G Future
5th Generation (5G) wireless promises to be a foundational next-generation technology that will be vital to enabling the next industrial revolution. The nation that leads in this technology could shift the global center of gravity for growth and innovation, and a secure 5G infrastructure is essential to U.S. security. The U.S. government must work collaboratively with industry and allied and partner nations to develop policy and technical solutions for secure 5G development.
Securing Our 5G Future will explore the opportunities and challenges of 5G in a world of highly globalized and competitive innovation. This project will establish an ongoing dialogue among policymakers, technical experts, and industry leaders while undertaking multidisciplinary analysis. The project will offer actionable recommendations for how U.S. policymakers can partner with the private sector and collaborate with allied and partner nations to ensure the development of secure 5G networks.
Securing Our 5G Future involves the following research programs:
Reading List
The Center for a New American Security is closely following the evolving conversation around 5G and national security. As a result, the Center has developed a curated reading list with reports and essays on the current status of U.S., Chinese, and international initiatives in the development and deployment of 5G technologies.
Click here to explore the Center's curated reading list.
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Securing Our 5G Future
Elsa B. Kania examines Washington and Beijing’s approaches to 5G development and proposes an American strategy for 5G security....
5G: National Security Concerns, Intellectual Property Issues, and the Impact on Competition and Innovation
Submitted Written Testimony Chairman Graham, Ranking Member Feinstein, and Honorable Members of the Committee: Thank you for inviting me to testify today on an issue critical ...
Setting the Stage for U.S. Leadership in 6G
Every day there are more headlines about China’s rise in 5G, the next generation of wireless communications technologies, and the economic and national security risksto the Un...
U.S. Campaign to Ban Huawei Overseas Stumbles as Allies Resist
The Trump administration’s aggressive campaignto prevent countries from using Huawei and other Chinese telecommunications equipment in their next-generation wireless networks ...
The 5G Fight Is Bigger Than Huawei
The latest salvos in the Trump administration’s campaign against Huawei may prove, at best, to be a Pyrrhic victory—or, at worst, directly undermine U.S. interests and objecti...
Open Future
Executive Summary Communication networks are the central nervous system of the 21st century economy. The fifth generation of wireless—5G—will be essential to and inseparable f...