April 17, 2024

Biden to triple tariffs on Chinese steel ahead of reelection bid

Source: The Hill

Journalist: Patsy Widakuswara

Rachel Ziemba, an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, or CNAS, said the Biden administration is reviewing why some Chinese steel derivatives currently have a 25% tariff and some have a 7.5% tariff.

“Arguably, what they're proposing to do now might normalize the level of steel tariffs across almost all sorts of steel products that are coming in from China,” she told VOA.


While Biden has signaled that the Section 301 review is a high priority, the timeline of his proposed tariff increase, and its potential impact, are not clear.

“There are a lot of details to come out that won't be clear until the final rule and judgment is revealed,” Ziemba of CNAS said.

Read the full story and more from Voice of America.


  • Rachel Ziemba

    Adjunct Senior Fellow, Energy, Economics, & Security Program

    Rachel Ziemba is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Her research focuses on the interlinkages between economics, finance and security i...