February 01, 2019

Kurdish lobby struggles to slow US pullout from Syria

Source: Al-Monitor

Journalist: Jack Detsch

Reeling from President Donald Trump’s decision to pull US troops out of Syria, the political wing of the Pentagon-backed Kurdish group that has spent the past four years fighting the Islamic State started the public portion of their 13-day tour of Washington with a bang on Monday, greeting the commander in chief at Trump International Hotel.

It’s not clear how the delegation, led by Ilham Ahmed, happened upon the president. Trump told the group “I love the Kurds” and promised that the US allies are “not going to be killed” by Turkish forces, the Syrian Democratic Committee co-president recalled at a panel earlier this week. The Wall Street Journal reported that the president also said he loved the Turks, the sworn enemy of the group.

The Trump encounter, captured on Twitter by Kurdish allies, reflected the challenges the low-budget outfit faces to get their message in front of the Trump administration as the Pentagon proceeds with a conditions-based withdrawal from Syria.

Read the full article and more in Al-Monitor.


  • Nicholas Heras

    Former Fellow, Middle East Security Program

    Nicholas A. Heras is a former Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), working in the Middle East Security Program. His work focused on the analysis of complex...