July 27, 2019

Libya’s Haftar might seek deescalation with Turkey

Source: Ahval

Journalist: Paul Iddon

The proxy conflict in Libya appears to have been heating up with Libyan National Army (LNA) General Khalifa Haftar making threats against Turkey, which backs his Government of National Accord (GNA) opponents in Tripoli. Turkey has been supplying the GNA with additional arms to help it repel the LNA’s siege of Tripoli, which began in April.

The GNA achieved a significant tactical victory against its LNA adversaries in late June when it captured the strategically-important town of Gharyan, south of Tripoli, hitherto used by the LNA as a major supply line.

On June 30, the LNA claimed it destroyed a Turkish-made Bayraktar drone in an air raid on Tripoli’s Mitiga Airport. The LNA announced a ban on all flights coming from Turkey and said it would target Turkish vessels in Libyan waters and arrest any Turkish nationals in areas it controls. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared that Haftar is “nothing but a pirate”.

Read the full article and more in Ahval.


  • Nicholas Heras

    Former Fellow, Middle East Security Program

    Nicholas A. Heras is a former Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), working in the Middle East Security Program. His work focused on the analysis of complex...