April 01, 2013

Obama names four to Air Force commission

Source: The Hill

President Obama named four members Monday to the newly crated National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force.

The commission was created in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to study the appropriate make-up of the Air Force, after Congress and governors were angry at the service's proposal to cut Air Guard units.

A compromise was ultimately reached for the 2013 budget proposal, but the Armed Services Committees included a provision creating the commission in order to “place the Air Force's judgment on appropriate force structure mixes under the scrutiny of a national commission.”

Obama named his four members to the committee on Monday: Janine Davidson of the Center for a New American Security; retired Lt. Gen. Dennis McCarthy of the Military Experts; former Air Force Secretary F. Whitten Peters; and Margaret Harrell, director of the Army Health Program.

The other four members of the eight-member commission will be appointed by the House and Senate Armed Services


  • Janine Davidson