June 01, 2014

Pentagon in a jam? Time for a review

Source: Politico

Journalist: Philip Ewing

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s go-to weapon system is not found on any base, in any hangar or aboard any ship. It’s a review.

If he gets word of problems with the Defense Department’s health system — it’s under review. If he wants to change the composition of the world’s mightiest military force, there’s a review. If he needs to determine how a black female soldier may wear her hair — that takes a review. And they better be “comprehensive,” going from “soup to nuts.” They had better solicit input from all the “key stakeholders.”

In the meantime, sorry, the secretary cannot comment on it until the reviews are complete.

Hagel issued the marching orders for his latest review on Thursday, this time to help him decide what, if anything, to do about DOD’s health system. The Department of Veterans Affairs is under significant political pressure following the embarrassing revelations from its review, so Hagel wants to look inside DOD’s own roughly 56 hospitals to be sure there aren’t similar problems lurking there.

Read the full article at POLITICO Pro.


  • Nora Bensahel