June 09, 2024

The rise and fall of ISIS, 10 years on

Source: The National

Journalists: Aveen Karim, Robert Tollast, Sinan Mahmoud

Hamzeh Hadad, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, says that brief moment of unity defied many expert predictions that Iraq would permanently fragment.

“Many - and at the time I thought it was exaggerated - were questioning the existence of the modern Iraqi state, and today not only is that state still there, it is stronger than it has ever been since 1980.

“In 2014, people were questioning what the Iraqi state would look like; that is not a question in 2024. Even with regard to Iraqi Kurdistan, the threat of secession is non-existent after the failure of the 2017 independence referendum.”

Read the full story and more from The National.


  • Hamzeh Hadad

    Adjunct Fellow, Middle East Security Program

    Hamzeh Hadad is an Adjunct Fellow with the Middle East Security Program at the Center for a New American Security. He is also a visiting fellow at the European Council on Fore...