June 06, 2023

Modi Goes to Washington: The Biden Administration is Playing the Long Game

Later this month Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Washington on a much-coveted state visit that is shaping up to be a historic occasion. Washington’s warm welcome of Modi takes place, despite the two countries' major differences over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and in the context of rising tensions between Washington and Beijing and a slew of wins for the Biden administration in implementing its Indo-Pacific strategy.

All signs point to a historic visit this month by Modi that will also further validate the success of the Administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy.

Outside observers may question why the Biden Administration is extending the courtesy of a state-level visit to Modi, whose government has given succor to Moscow by abstaining from several United Nations resolutions condemning Russia, drastically increasing imports of Russian crude oil, and participating in Russian military exercises.

Read the full article from NatStrat.

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