November 28, 2018

Recommendations for US policy toward Gaza

In between spikes of violence, the people of the Gaza Strip live in a state of perpetual crisis—a man-made humanitarian disaster of severe urban crowding, staggering unemployment, and a dire scarcity of basic services, including electricity, water, and sewage treatment. A high-level task force, assembled by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) and the Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings, examined U.S. options for addressing the ongoing crisis in Gaza and will issue a report with recommendations for a change of strategy to tackle both the near-term humanitarian challenges as well as the long-term political problems plaguing the Gaza Strip.

In this episode, CNAS Middle East Security Program Director Ilan Goldenberg, Brookings Center for Middle East Peace Director Natan Sachs, and Brookings Visiting Fellow Hady Amr—directors of the task force—lay out the critical challenges in Gaza and highlight the role the U.S. can play in bringing an end to this continued state of crisis.

Listen to the full episode on Intersections, part of the Brookings Podcast Network.

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