Alexiaa Jordan
Rice, Hadley, Gates & Manuel
Alexiaa Jordan is a South-Side Chicagoan and new D.C transplant from Bologna, Italy. She recently attained her master's degree from The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). There she focused on international economics, Strategic Studies, and Portuguese. During her time at Johns Hopkins, she started working with the international strategic consulting firm RiceHadleyGatesManuel, LLC. Before Hopkins, she's served as a Chief of Staff within the Illinois House of Representatives and as the youngest female campaign manager in Chicago's history; prior to that, she served with City Year Chicago to teach inner city students. As an undergraduate, she majored in molecular and cellular biology at the University of Illinois; successfully published several pieces of health policy research. With her unique intersection of STEM, economics, national security, and government affairs, she looks forward to bridging public-private relationships to improve the national security of the United States. Aside from work, she enjoys spending time with her younger sister, working with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, serving on various boards to increase the participation of women and people of color into national security spaces.