May 16, 2015

New Face To Lead Pentagon Strategy Shop

Source: Defense News

Journalist: Joe Gould

The new chief of the Pentagon's internal think tank, James Baker, is viewed as contemplative and intellectual, though probably not an analyst in the same mold as Andrew Marshall, the man he is replacing who stepped down after 42 years of service.

James Baker, named May 14 as the head of the Office of Net Assessment, advised successive chairmen of the Joint Chiefs, Adm. Mike Mullen and Gen. Martin Dempsey. As principal deputy director for strategic plans and policy, Baker leads an analytical cell at the highest levels of the Pentagon. In the new role, he will report directly to Carter.

Read the full article in Defense News.


  • Jerry Hendrix

    Former Senior Fellow and Director, Defense Program

    Jerry Hendrix was the Senior Fellow and the Director of the Defense Program at the Center for a New American Security. A retired Captain in the United States Navy, his staff ...