January 30, 2019

Talks with North Korea's top negotiator 'got nowhere' on denuclearization, sources say

Source: CNN

Journalists: Michelle Kosinski, Jennifer Hansler

As President Donald Trump hails "progress being made," a source familiar with details of the high-profile visit of North Korea's top negotiator this month says those discussions -- at both the State Department level and with the White House -- "got nowhere" on denuclearization. A second source agreed with that assessment.

"North Korea relationship is best it has ever been with U.S. No testing, getting remains, hostages returned. Decent chance of Denuclearization," Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. "Time will tell what will happen with North Korea, but at the end of the previous administration, relationship was horrendous and very bad things were about to happen. Now a whole different story. I look forward to seeing Kim Jong Un shortly. Progress being made-big difference!"

The President made his declaration a day after Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told members of Congress that North Korea "is unlikely to completely give up its nuclear weapons." His assertion of progress also comes less than two weeks after the White House and State Department held talks with North Korean envoy Kim Yong Chol.

Read the full article and more on CNN.


  • Eric Brewer

    Deputy Director of the Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) and Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

    Eric Brewer is Deputy Director of the Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). He was perviously the ...