January 18, 2019

Trump to Hold Second Meeting With North Korea’s Kim Next Month

Source: Foreign Policy

Journalist: Robbie Gramer

The next summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is on.

On Friday, the White House announced a second summit between the two leaders to negotiate North Korea’s denuclearization would take place toward the end of February. Details on the precise date and location of the summit remain unclear.

“The President looks forward to meeting with Chairman Kim at a place to be announced at a later date,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement released Friday afternoon. The statement came after Kim dispatched one of his closest aides, former spy chief Kim Yong Chol, to Washington for meetings with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Trump on Friday.

The announcement breathes new life into negotiations over North Korea’s nuclear program, following hostile exchanges between Kim and Trump during the U.S. president’s first year in office and unprecedented negotiations in his second year.

Trump met Kim in Singapore for a historic summit in June 2018, but negotiations between top U.S. administration officials and their North Korean counterparts have sputtered and stalled since then.

Pompeo’s visits to North Korea last year were marked by tense meetings that yielded few results. And Stephen Biegun, the State Department’s special envoy for North Korean negotiations, has struggled to make headway with North Korean counterparts since he was first appointed in August 2018. North Korea has rejected multiple requests by the administration to have Biegun meet his counterpart, Choe Son Hui, the vice minister for foreign affairs.

Read the full article and more in Foreign Policy.


  • Kristine Lee

    Former Associate Fellow

    Kristine Lee is a former Associate Fellow with the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), where she focuses on U.S. alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region, ...