The Pitch 2020: A Competition of New Ideas

In 2020, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) launched a new premier event to elevate emerging and diverse voices in national security. Selected applicants made their pitch for innovative policy ideas to renew American competitiveness in front of a distinguished panel of judges and live virtual audience at the CNAS National Security Conference on June 24, 2020.

Applicants made their pitches for one of the following prompts:

The Pitch 2020 was a premier component of the CNAS America Competes 2020 initiative.

Explore written insights from winners Grace Kim, Tina Huang, Khyle Eastin, and Luke Chen:

Indo-Pacific Security

South Korea Is an Island, Entire of Itself: The Missing Island in Allied First Island Chain Strategies

South Korea is one of the United States’ closest allies and a sovereign democratic nation with high-end warfighting capabilities that functions as a de facto island....

Technology & National Security

A National Cloud for All

A national cloud would allow Americans to access this virtual computer, as long as they have internet and a device....


Revitalizing U.S. Global Leadership: The Case for an Alliance-Based Approach to Frontier Domain Engagement

To strengthen U.S. global leadership and competitiveness, the United States should take an alliance-based approach to frontier domains like outer space, the Arctic, and the de...


Ditch Use-or-Lose Budgets in the Department of Defense

The “use-it-or-lose-it” budget phenomenon remains problematic for the department....

Winner, Best in Show

Grace Kim

Heat Winners

Alan McQuinn
Grace Kim
Khyle Eastin
Luke Chen

Winner, People's Choice Award

Tina Huang
