March 23, 2023

Policy, Guns and Money: AUKUS challenges and opportunities

In this special episode, ASPI Executive Director Justin Bassi speaks with Richard Fontaine and Lisa Curtis from the Center for a New American Security and Alessio Patalano from King’s College London about the strategic imperatives and future challenges of AUKUS.

With the optimal pathway for Australia’s acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines now unveiled, there are big plans, big promises and a lot of work to do. Why do we need AUKUS? How do we improve information-sharing while reducing barriers to technology cooperation? How do we integrate our defence industries, which are more accustomed to competing than cooperating? What are the opportunities for additional partners, including the Quad? And how is all this being explained to the public?

To dissect these questions and more, ASPI has been holding a trilateral AUKUS dialogue in Washington DC with the Center for a New American Security and King’s College London’s Centre for Grand Strategy.

Listen to the full episode from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

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