June 20, 2023
The Russia Stability Tracker
June 2023
In February 2023—one year into Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine—CNAS convened a group of leading U.S. experts on Putin’s Russia and authoritarianism to assess how the war is shaping political stability inside the country. This assessment provides an update to the key pillars of Putin’s stability identified in the February 2023 assessment and takes into account how events over the last three months have impacted each of these pillars. The experts agree that little has happened to change Putin’s hold on power. If anything, the domestic dynamics unfolding because of Putin’s war have shut down pathways through which Russian citizens, the military, and security actors could challenge him. Although a major Russian setback in the war would increase uncertainty about Putin’s survival in office, there are currently no clear threats to his power. The tracker is followed by an overarching assessment of Putin’s stability by each of the group’s experts.
Pillars of Putin’s Stability
Pillars | Trending (Change/Effect on Putin's Stability) |
Absence of an Alternative to Putin |
No Change | Supporting Stability
Cohesive Political and Economic Elite |
Weakening | Eroding Stability
Control over Information Environment |
No Change | Supporting Stability
Economic Well-Being |
Weakening | Eroding Stability
Exit of the Most Discontented |
Strengthening | Supporting Stability
Historically Apolitical Military |
Weakening | Eroding Stability
Loyal Security Services |
Strengthening | Supporting Stability
Putin’s Popularity |
No Change | Supporting Stability
Repression |
Strengthening | Supporting Stability
Russia as a Besieged Fortress |
Strengthening | Supporting Stability
Assessing the Changes in Putin’s Pillars of Stability
There is still no serious alternative to Putin and, if anything, he has used the past 16 months of war to consolidate his power. No one among the inner circle of the elite constitutes a genuine threat. Deputy Chairman of the Security Council and former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has worked to raise his political profile through his hawkish rhetoric, but he does not appear to have gained political influence. Likewise, Yevgeny Prigozhin (founder of the Wagner mercenary group) has worked to maintain his public profile through his regular attacks on the Ministry of Defense, but his constant quarrels do not provide him with a plausible path to power. Some say that Putin talks mainly to Nikolai Patrushev, Igor Sechin, and Medvedev, but none of them are realistic alternatives to Putin at the moment.
Elite fissures—most notably Yevgeny Prigozhin’s very public and very personal criticisms of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and General Valery Gerasimov—remain highly visible, but they still do not constitute a clear threat to domestic stability. Yevgeny Prigozhin’s refusal to comply with a Russian military order that would require Wagner Group fighters to sign a formal contract with Russia’s defense ministry by July 1 is the latest flashpoint in the long running feud. Yevgeny Prigozhin is still not a threat to Putin, but instead, his presence in the political discourse makes Putin look reasonable by comparison. In addition, the leaked tape of a conversation between Iosif Prigozhin and Farkhad Akhmedov, two second-tier oligarchs in Russia, contained damning assessments of the Russian leadership that likely captured sentiment that is more broadly held among the economic elite. Despite the possible discontent, such individuals have little capacity to change the distribution of power among the elite. However, the public nature of the disputes and criticism of the regime could signal the possibility of greater room to discuss shortcomings in the war, which could become more difficult for the Kremlin to control in the future.
The Kremlin has tightened its control over the information environment since February 2023. The arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich is the latest example of the security services breaking norms around the relationship between the media and the Russian state. It also facilitates greater regime control over the information environment. With Gershkovich’s arrest, the Kremlin has sent a clear message that reporting in Russia is no longer safe. As Polina Ivanova, a Russia correspondent for Financial Times, stated: “It has a chilling effect for everyone.” With fewer journalists from Western media outlets reporting on Russia, the broader information environment will suffer. Russians can still use virtual private networks (VPNs), YouTube, and Telegram to get alternative information, but many choose not to. There is evidence that more people are tuning out and not seeking information about the war.
The Ukraine-linked attacks inside Russia—including the drone attack on the Kremlin and the raids into Belgorod—however, have created challenges to the Kremlin’s ability to control the information environment and portray the Russian government as competent and in control. The limited raids and border shelling in Belgorod were and have the potential to be a focal point for criticism against Putin and his image as a competent leader.
Since February 2022, estimates of the economic damage caused by the war and the resulting sanctions have been progressively reduced. The Russian economy is stagnant with chronic problems, but Russia’s economic challenges are not likely to become critical to Putin’s stability in the near future. The sharp decline in oil and gas revenue in the first quarter of the year suggests that sanctions are having an impact on state revenue. Given the massive reserves that the Kremlin amassed in the last year, however, it will take some time for Moscow to feel this revenue crunch. So far, ordinary Russians have not felt the pinch of sanctions, although certain sectors of the economy have. Assembly lines for some cars have closed because of the lack of necessary components, as the impact of lower oil prices is beginning to be felt, for example. Economic challenges resulting from declining government revenue, coupled with higher defense spending and social spending—where there will be pressure to do more ahead of presidential elections scheduled for 2024—may become harder to manage in the medium and long term.
Little has changed since February 2023. As many as one million Russians have now left the country and they continue to provide a pressure release valve for the regime. Outside Russia, there is not much they can do to influence what happens inside Russia, and there are divisions among them as different individuals and groups put forward their own competing visions for Russia’s future.
Notably, the Kremlin introduced electronic draft notices in April 2023, a move intended to make it more difficult for people to avoid being drafted and for those avoiding conscription to leave the country. Russia’s military service rules previously required the draft notices to be delivered in person, which meant that many Russians avoided the draft by avoiding their address of record. Under the new law, conscripts who fail to show up for service would be prohibited from leaving Russia, would have their driver’s licenses suspended, and would be barred from selling their apartments and other assets. If there is another mobilization, observers will see if the new measures effectively prevent Russians from leaving the country to avoid fighting in the war.
So far, the military remains in its apolitical box and its threat to Putin remains low. The sparring between Yevgeny Prigozhin and Shoigu still does not constitute a serious direct threat to the regime, and, if anything, Putin appears to have put Yevgeny Prigozhin in his place and made clear his support for Shoigu and Gerasimov. The ongoing war is reducing the military’s organizational bandwidth required for coup planning. If anti-government sentiment were to grow, it would probably spill over outside of institutional channels, including the possibility that armed groups outside the traditional military could vie for power, which could lead to an insurgency akin to recent events in Sudan.
No change and no meaningful development over this reporting period.
To the extent that polls on Russian public opinion are reliable, polls since February 2023 suggest that Putin’s approval ratings stand at over 80 percent (on par with the December 2022 polls). Putin has benefited from a “rally around the flag” effect, in which people set aside political differences during a war and support their leader. Even though many Russians might not have supported the decision to invade Ukraine, now that they are at war, they support Putin for fear of what losing might bring. Putin has gone to great lengths to provoke these anxieties. He has framed the war in Ukraine as being “about the very existence of our country”—a fear-mongering tactic useful for compelling compliance with the regime.
Yet, while support for Putin appears high, polling on other indicators suggests a more complex picture. When asked to name five or six politicians that one trusts, just 41 percent named Putin. The next highest figure was Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at 15 percent. Moreover, public opinion toward the war continues to be quite mixed, with just as many Russians preferring that the Kremlin begin negotiations to end the war as those who favor continuing the war. The introduction of the digital draft notices (if successful) and fear of a new round of mobilization may also increase latent, if not open, opposition among the mass public.
Repression inside Russia continues to rise. All potential centers of alternative information— Memorial, the Sakharov Center, and the Sova Centre—have been shut down. Russian opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza was given an unprecedented 25-year sentence for “treason” for lectures he gave outside of Russia. Gershkovich is awaiting his trial on espionage, a move designed to deter any foreign journalists from writing about the war if their work does not follow the Russian narrative. Russian theater director Yevgenia Berkovich was arrested and accused of “terrorism” for staging a play about Russian women who joined ISIS. However, rising repression has not yet triggered opposition in the public; even extreme forms of repression have not provoked public outcry. There are also few signs of opposition within the security services to some of the more extreme forms of repression.
Putin is amplifying the besieged fortress narrative and using this narrative to mobilize Russian society in support of not just the war in Ukraine, but in his larger confrontation with the West. Historically, Putin has sought to demobilize Russian society—to instill apathy and passivity to maintain political control. Since Putin began the war, however, he has been forced to put Russia on wartime footing and announce a “partial mobilization,” calling up 300,000 Russians to fight in Ukraine. Society is being militarized and public acts of support are growing, including incidents of Russians reporting on the “anti-patriotic” activities of their fellow citizens. Ukrainian-linked attacks inside Russia provide additional fodder for Kremlin narratives that the conflict in Ukraine is existential for Russia. This transition to a more mobilized society can reinforce Putin’s control in the near term, but could ultimately prove difficult for the regime to control.
Expert Assessments
Based on the above dynamics, the experts agreed that there were few developments that changed Putin’s prospect for political survival and that he appears poised to maintain power for the foreseeable future. Overall, the experts assess that:
Putin has taken actions in recent months that have strengthened, rather than diminished, his hold on power.

So far, Putin remains firmly in control. He has tightened his grip on power over the past 15 months by increasing repression and intimidating the population, telling them that there is no alternative to supporting him and no alternative to victory in this war. He invokes the existential threat from NATO and the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War to justify the sacrifices Russians are making—and so far, this rhetoric has worked. There are no visible checks on his power and no leader since Joseph Stalin has amassed as much personal power as Putin. Unlike during the Soviet-Afghan war, Russians, by and large, do not protest the deaths of their sons, husbands, and brothers, and there is little popular pressure on him to change course. The previously globalized elite, although they may be privately appalled by what is happening, have largely accepted their fate and adapted to their reduced circumstances. The disincentives to disagree with Putin or to try and leave the country are too great. This situation could continue for the foreseeable future, unless there are major military losses in the next few months and the awaited Ukrainian counteroffensive is more successful than many believe it will be. But Putin has survived military defeats before—and may well do so again.
However, several factors could change Putin’s outlook …

The pillars of Russian stability have not meaningfully changed in the last three months. That reflects the relatively stability of the front line in the war. Russia’s winter offensive failed; now everyone is waiting to see when Ukraine’s counteroffensive takes place and how successful it will be. If Ukraine achieves a major breakthrough and retakes significant territory, several of these pillars, such as elite cohesiveness, may shift toward “eroding stability.” A second potential source of change would be if a second major mobilization wave is publicly announced; further mobilization is inevitable, but one suspects the Kremlin will try to implement it more quietly than the September 2022 mobilization. Finally, Yevgeny Prigozhin’s increasingly emotional and confrontational outbursts indicate his position is weakening, not strengthening. Here, the old Kremlinological maxim is apt: When someone goes public with their complaints, it means they are losing the behind-the-scenes power struggle.

Putin’s risk of losing power remains low given the inherent difficulty of coordinating an effort to remove him and the continued ability of the government to limit the costs of the war. At the same time, the risk of political instability has increased somewhat in the last three months as Putin’s efforts to double down on the war effort have led to heavy losses of life and few tangible benefits. The increasingly public debates over war strategy and the heightened reliance on repression, are signs that the war effort is not going well. These shortcomings undermine Putin’s image among the elite and the masses as a competent leader and will make it harder to negotiate the difficult tradeoff of keeping both the public and the inner circle satisfied at the same time. Barring a Ukrainian breakthrough on the battlefield, these tradeoffs are manageable in the short term given the government’s loyal repressive apparatus and fiscal reserves but are likely to intensify in the medium to long term given economic headwinds and limited success on the battlefield.

Growing cracks among the elites and a heightening sense of doom about the war continue to put pressure on Putin’s regime. However, the fundamental obstacles to regime change remain in place. Elite dissatisfaction may function as a double-edged sword, exposing divisive regime weaknesses but also highlighting Putin’s importance as arbiter of elite disputes. Yet Putin’s penchant for staying above the fray could make him look increasingly ineffectual or indecisive rather than magisterially neutral. If he is no longer seen as essential to the functioning of the system, change would come swiftly—though the probability of such an outcome remains low.
… and the outcome of the war in Ukraine is still a critical factor that will shape his political fortune.

The factors that researchers have found to predict instability in authoritarian regimes remain the same—poor economic performance, military defeat, greater political freedom, an older leader, and a trend toward democratization around the world. The values of these variables have not changed significantly since February. If the foreseen Ukrainian spring offensive results in significant gains for Kyiv, that could weaken Putin, although—as noted in the February assessment—even dictators who completely lose wars retain a 50/50 chance of survival. The main dangers to Putin seem to be interacting domestic crises and mistakes by the Kremlin that destabilize the situation. Among such mistakes could be aggressive acts against Western countries or major escalations against Kyiv that increase foreign support to Ukraine or countermeasures against Russia. Placing more explosives in the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant raises the risk of a nuclear disaster. It is impossible to assess Putin’s state of mind, but reports suggest that he remains isolated and the potential for misperception and paranoia is obviously real. These risks cannot be assessed with any confidence, but they probably remain low.

Being at war improves, rather than weakens, Putin’s prospects for political survival. In research I conducted with Dr. Frantz, we found that since World War II, only 7 percent of personalist authoritarians have been unseated while an interstate conflict that began under their watch was ongoing. Putin’s war is shutting down the pathways through which the country’s citizens, military, and security actors could challenge Putin’s position. A significant military setback in Ukraine, however, would raise the prospect of Putin’s ouster. Although personalist autocrats like Putin are especially resilient in the face of military defeat, Russia’s poor military performance would make conditions ever more ripe for political change. Putin could face a perfect storm heading into 2024: a worsening military outlook in Ukraine, greater economic hardship, and elections scheduled for March that year. It is rarely a single factor that destabilizes entrenched authoritarian regimes. But Putin is likely to face a confluence of factors heading into next year that could ultimately upset the apple cart.
About the Author
Dr. Andrea Kendall-Taylor is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Transatlantic Security Program at CNAS. She previously served as Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Russia and Eurasia at the National Intelligence Council and as a senior intelligence officer at the CIA.
About the Transatlantic Security Program
The mission of the Transatlantic Security Program is to strengthen transatlantic relations and help decision makers understand, anticipate, and respond to challenges in Europe and Russia. Key among these challenges are the rise of China, a revisionist Russia, threats to democracy, and other changes in Europe’s security landscape that will require NATO to adapt. The Transatlantic Security Program addresses these issues by working closely with our network of current and former U.S. and European government officials, private sector partners, and academic experts to translate cutting-edge research into policy solutions. We foster high-level U.S.-European dialogue, convene seminars and public forums, and engage with media and citizens to shape the context in which policies are made.
This report was made possible with the generous support of the Bertelsmann Foundation, BP America, Canadian Department of National Defense, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Embassy of the Republic of Finland, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonian Ministry of Defence, Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Latvian Ministry of Defense, Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania, Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defence.
As a research and policy institution committed to the highest standards of organizational, intellectual, and personal integrity, CNAS maintains strict intellectual independence and sole editorial direction and control over its ideas, projects, publications, events, and other research activities. CNAS does not take institutional positions on policy issues, and the content of CNAS publications reflects the views of their authors alone. In keeping with its mission and values, CNAS does not engage in lobbying activity and complies fully with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. CNAS will not engage in any representational activities or advocacy on behalf of any entities or interests and, to the extent that the Center accepts funding from non-U.S. sources, its activities will be limited to bona fide scholastic, academic, and research-related activities, consistent with applicable federal law. The Center publicly acknowledges on its website annually all donors who contribute.
The Transatlantic Forum on Russia is dedicated to facilitating dialogue between experts from the United States and Europe on Russia-related issues. The Forum’s aim is to share assessments that allow the United States and Europe to reevaluate the evolving nature of the Russia challenge given the significant changes in the security environment in Europe and the impact of the war in Ukraine on Russia itself, and to map out a revised transatlantic strategy for confronting Russia.
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There have been few changes overall in terms of the stability of Putin’s rule, but two developments are worth noting. The first is a resurgence of efforts by leaders of armed groups outside the traditional military to vie for greater influence (i.e., Yevgeny Prigozhin and head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov). On the one hand, these actions have the potential to generate discord among the military elite in destabilizing ways. On the other hand, such discord may further stabilize Putin by positioning him as a leader at the helm of various factions seeking to stay in his good favor. The second is the intensification of the repressive environment, with the high-profile arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and harsh prison sentencing handed to opposition leader Kara-Murza. These actions send a clear signal that there is no room for challenging Putin’s Russia, or even reporting on it—further protecting Putin’s rule.